

I can't open the PID file /var/run/*.pid
Recently, customers started complaining that after restarting the server, the sites only work for a minute. it was found out that the problem is in the Nginx web server.
Install a free Let's Encrypt security certificate on the site
In order to install the free certificate «Let's Encrypt» on the site, you can use The ISPmanager panel.
Self-unlock port 25
For self-unlock 25 port & laquo;MyHosti & raquo; created a special web interface.
The records management domain
You can manage domain records using the ISPmanager panel.
Configure mail domains and mailboxes in the ISPmanager panel
ISPmanager users can configure their own mail domains and mailbox.
Support for dedicated servers
Support is provided for level 1 and 2.
Image optimization with jpegoptim and optipng
Google Page Speed offers several lossless image compression tools for JPEG and PNG files.
AH00082: an unknown filter was not added: includes
When trying to launch a site on ssi an error
In the mail comes a lot of spam
To filter the spam Of your mailboxes, we recommend using the DNS blacklist.
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