Earning money on the Internet for creative people

Many people want to make money on the Internet, because this gives them the freedom to choose a job they like. But mostly people work for a penny, taking surveys and downloading apps. Creative people can go the other way and turn a hobby into a permanent source of income.

A good idea

Many people are promoting their projects online. Therefore, you need to come up with an idea that will be new and interesting for a specific audience or for everyone. There are many ways to generate ideas. The most popular is brainstorming. You need to take a piece of paper and within 5 minutes write everything that comes to mind. It is important not to be afraid to come up with bad ideas, because it is from them that you need to put off. Having come up with the most banal plans, you need to improve them and create an idea that does not yet exist. This is a complex and most important matter. After all, the success of the project will depend on the initial idea. You can promote an idea in all available ways, but if people don't like it, then nothing will come of it.

Another option is to come up with something similar to what already exists. Take a finished project and figure out how to improve it or rewrite it for another audience. This will not make a genius out of a person, but it will help not to get stuck at the very first stage. You can explore the most popular topics and start there.

Project creation

This could be a band, an illustration site, or a video shoot. Finding the right platform is important. Many people start with a group on Vkontakte and then create their own website. You can try to post your work on thematic sites and then gain an audience. At first, you can work on everything yourself, and after the first profit, hire specialists to promote and create a website.


After the project has gathered a sufficient audience, you need to think about how to make money on it. A music group can sell discs, arrange concerts, and an illustrator can sell designer T-shirts and postcards. You can create your own online store. After all, people are more willing to buy clothes and other things from a person whom they like and whose work they admire. Therefore, various prints are so popular.


To make people know about the project, you need to make high-quality advertising. It shouldn't be intrusive and annoying. You can distribute the project through friends, manually send invitation messages or buy space on a thematic site. It is best to distribute the project where it will be appropriate and where the people on whom the main content is intended can be. So, a photographer should not buy space on an electronics site and distribute his resume to gardening groups.


It's important to consistently create engaging content and maintain a consistent audience. People should be constantly delighted with interesting solutions and fresh ideas. Some of them regularly arrange rallies and actively communicate with subscribers and fans.

When working on a creative project, it is important not to give up. Indeed, with the development of an interesting idea, you can get a project that will sponsor a person. And at the same time, in addition to profit, a person will do what he loves.

5 September 2020

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