Keep regular customers

The main income of stores, companies, or websites depends only on the group of regular customers who make the maximum contribution to the company's budget, so you need to take care of them in the long term.

One-time customers come and go, they are also an important group of recipients, but you should focus on acquiring and retaining repeat customers. How do I do this?

First of all, if someone comes to you once, try to stop them, a good idea for this is email marketing, that is, after making a purchase, add the customer's email address to the mailing database and report private email promotions, encourage purchases.

Of course, you need to know the boundary between email marketing and the notorious unwanted spam. If spam arrives in the client's mailbox every day, the only thing you will achieve is the client's annoyance and anger.

However, once every two weeks, remind the customer about your company in a pleasant way, for example, in the title of the message, entering "20% discount for regular customers, choose something for yourself!" and the message will be brief, and there is a high probability that the customer will read it, remember the good service of your company and, if they are satisfied with it, after such an email, they will definitely use your offer again.

In addition to email marketing, it is very important to frequently introduce promotions for regular customers so that they feel meaningful because they are with you longer.

Therefore, you need to distinguish these customers from others, for example, at the end of the year, by organizing a promotion for people who have used your services at least 4-5 times, it all depends on what the company sells and what it specializes in, but, of course, you should value regular customers.

After carefully analyzing the company's revenue, you can see that only in a few years regular customers bring the main income to the budget. for example, you may even have about two million customers, but there will only be a couple of thousand regular customers, so in a few years these customers will give 50% of the revenue.

Therefore, the more regular customers you can get, the more certain success you will achieve in the online market.

30 July 2020

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